ECA is a voluntary group of residents that undertakes a co-ordinating and enabling role in the parish. It carries out the organisation and management of a number of community activities and events throughout the year. It also has an agreement to manage the day to day activities of the Eglingham Parish Community Field, which is owned by the Parish Council.
(Scroll to bottom of page for reports, minutes etc.)
Oil Buying Group
Click here to see how the group works. On average the Group’s bulk buying gets about 4.5p per litre discount compared to the price for an individual buying 500litres.
ECA took on the role for several years, Gavin Turner took over the role of co-ordinating the Oil Buying Group. ***Please note that this service has been temporarily suspended.
The ECA have obtained funding support host organisations put on cultural events in the Parish.
The inaugural
Festival on the Field
Squally showers, temperatures below 10°c, gusting winds. Not a great combination for a music festival... click here to read on
The inception of the ECA was supported by the Parish Council but it is completely independent of the Council. It was constituted in June 2011 with its aims stated as:
A unifying organisation for current and future community activities within Eglingham Parish, in terms of co-ordination and communication
To support and enhance the use and running of Eglingham Village Hall
To enable and support appropriate actions identified in the Parish Plan
To stimulate the use, and carry out operational management, of Eglingham school field.
Some of the things we have been involved in
ON THE Field
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Party
The first major event in the village since Covid was a great success and attracted an excellent turnout as local musicians provided entertainment on a sunny Jubilee Saturday. A colourful display of red, white and blue flowers was produced by the gardening group.
FrancEs and friends performing at the Platinum Jubilee Party
Near the highest point on the Parish Walk 2023
Date for your diary ….. Parish Walk 2025 - Saturday 31st May - details to follow!
ECA organised and managed the grant application and subsequent building of the new toilet facilities and secure storage shed at the Field.
ECA originally maintained the tennis court along with the Tennis Club, who are now an independent group with a recently built pavilion. We organise tidy up days and there is a gardening group who have planted up and maintain the marginal areas with shrubs, perennial plants and fruit bushes.
ECA Calendar
For more than ten years we have produced a very popular calendar featuring photos taken by residents, as a way of engendering a community spirit and pride. We have also produced packs of notelets and Christmas cards.
The 2025 Eglingham Calendar is now sold out.
We are already planning for the 2026 calendar and by popular request, for this edition we will be happy to receive photos taken anywhere in Northumberland. We are keen to receive photos taken throughout the year so please send your winter and springtime photos to us now and at any time over the coming months. One of these will feature in the summer edition of HearAbouts magazine. All photos must be sent to Remember they need to be in landscape format and should include the location and name of the photographer. We look forward to receiving your entries!
The Northern Lights over Old Bewick Hill on the cover of the 2025 Eglingham Calendar
Helping new groups
The ECA helps new “not for profit” groups wanting to set up in the Parish. We assisted the Swing Dance group to get up and running, helping them create an organisational structure. Additionally we set up a discretionary grant scheme offering £50 to new groups who wish to establish activities in the Parish. The Tennis Club is among those to benefit from this scheme.
ECA Assets
The ECA owns a fully portable Public Address (PA) System, available for use by any properly constituted group in the Parish free of charge. For private use or for those outside the Parish, there is a small charge. There is also a CD/multi device playing deck that can take iPhones, MP3 players
Getting involved
If you would like to join ECA or get involved with any of the activities, please contact any of the Committee Members:
Jess Angus (Chair), Julian Tyley(Secretary), Malcolm Angus (Treasurer), Margaret Bell, Joyce Wilson, Penny Garrood and Sarah Radcliffe.
(click a report to view in a separate page)
AGM 2023 Minutes
AGM 2018 Review